How to Find Values-Aligned Mentors | Liana Murray


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Listen to the episode on iTunes / Spotify

Liana is someone who has a plethora of experience in the consulting world. With the knowledge and expertise that she has developed throughout her career – she has fallen in love with and branded herself as your go-to person when it comes to change management.

Being passionate about the work you do. We dive into various subjects when it comes to career strategy and using your wide range of experiences to shape and inform your direction.

Personal branding was also a topic that we spent a lot of time discussing. As much as it is important to focus on continuous learning, professional and personal development, if you don’t spend enough time being visible and strengthening your personal brand – how will people learn about who you are and what you do?

Liana’s Why

To help people. Liana loves to keep really busy and saying yes when people ask her for things. She finds opportunities to give back to her community, as it provides her a sense of purpose and meaning.

This is episode 4, part 1 with Liana Murray! It was incredibly exciting to sit down with Liana and distill some important topics related to career strategy, ...

This is episode 4, part 2 with Liana Murray! Mentorship and building professional relationships. Early on in her career, Liana sought out mentors for various...

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